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Shadow of the Jusha Tower
发布时间: 2014/1/17 14:07:59 被阅览数: 2886 次 来源:聚沙园


JuSha Pagoda---the most important treasure of the park. It belongs to the national level cultural relic's protection units; it is the only witness to the town through the vicissitudes of life change. The overall structure of JuSha Pagoda is very special,Below is narrow, width above,So it is called  "Xumi Seat " . Xumi means the seat of Buddha, JuSha Pagoda is the only one has Xumi Base among all the ancient pagodas in China.
There are two tablet pavilions of the park. The left one showed the pagoda-building record in the Song Dynasty and is decorated with auspicious clouds and curled dragons. The text on the tablet is illegible now due to the long history. The right one was built in 1996 while correcting the inclination of Jusha Pagoda, decorated with two phoenix.






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